NOTES: [To the extent that it's possible to spoil a work of IF this small, you should probably play it before you read these.] - I'm not really satisfied with the degree of description, but it's 3AM and I have work tomorrow. The player character's poor memory of the bible stories in the stained glass is reflective (in reality) of the fact that I've been into a church maybe three times in my life, and didn't take the time I should have to find some images to study from. - I swear I didn't set out to make any statement with this game. :-) I started with a church because it's the default starting location in LPMUDs, one of which I wrote for years ago. The lake just seemed like a natural place to have; the bible seemed like a natural object to find in a church. (The glued pages were just because I wanted to play with the 'before' property.) And once I had a lake and a bible... the rest was obvious. (The story's title came last!) - Non-CMUers might be enlightened to know that Harry Q. Bovik is the archetypal [fake] CMU CS grad student. I'm told every school has one of these. A surprising amount of code gets handed in with his name on it... probably related to the fact that an unsurprising amount of assignment code gets handed out that way. :-D